Why Outsourced Bookkeeping
Makes Sense For Your Business

Successfully running a small business today is more challenging than ever.  With inflation ravaging their bottom line, owners are attempting to cut expenses by "doing it all themselves", including doing their own books.  But inevitably this results in taking your eye off the essential needs of your business.

However, there is a way to free up valuable time for small business owners - outsourcing your bookkeeping to a Quickbooks ProAdvisor.  This is an investment that more than pays for itself.  Here are just a few reasons outsourced bookkeeping makes sense:

  • QuickBooks Online has automated virtually all the accounting processes required by small business owners, making  the cost of outsourced bookkeeping surprisingly affordable.
  • The time you normally spend on bookkeeping can be used for more important things like marketing, planning, R&D, etc. which provide a much higher return to your bottome line.
  • Having timely and accurate financial information provides small business owners the financial information they need to make better business decisions and grow your business.

Stress-Free Bookkeeping was founded to help small business owners maximize profitability by providing quality bookkeeping services that drive profitability.  

Although based in Harrisburg, PA, I work with small businesses across the United States.  We work exclusively with QuickBooks Online, the premier online business accounting platform.  I am a certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Advanced, the highest level of certification for QuickBooks Online bookkeepers.

Take a moment to listen to our Introductory video.  If you would like to learn more about how outsourced QuickBooks Online bookkeeping can drive thousands of dollars to your bottom line, click on the link below to schedule a free no-obligation consultation.. Don't worry if you are unfamiliar with QuickBooks Online and the benefits of online bookkeeping, I will be happy to give you an introduction to how QuickBooks works and how it can be used to improve your bookkeeping and increase your bottom line.


Outsourced Bookkeeping and Small Business Time Management

Workday analytics firm timedoctor.com recently published a small business time mangement research report entitled "13 Crucial Time Management Statistics for Small Business Owners in 2024".  The topics discussed go right to the heart of the case for outsourced bookkeeping services.  The results are a real eye opener for small business owners.

Some of the important takeaways fom the article include the following:

  • 80% of the total time on a workday is spent doing tasks with little to no value for the business (which would include the time spent on bookkeeping).
  • Business owners spend only 32% of their time working ON the business (strategic activities that lead to growth, improved profitability, and higher employee morale).
  • Business owners only spend 34% of their time on activities that are both important and urgent.

Outsourcing key administrative activities such as bookkeeping means more time to focus on your business.  Research demonstrates that when business owners spend that additional time to planning, new product development, customer service, marketing, and client development, profitability and growth are the natural outgrowth of those efforts.  To read the entire article, click on the link below:

Charlie Ziese   charlie@stress-freebookkeeping.com     Harrisburg, PA  412.474.3481

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